We have a vibrant and welcoming ladies section, with ladies of all ages, capabilities and experience playing alongside each other.
The ladies have two weekly competitions, held on Wednesday and/or Sunday mornings. Some take the competition seriously, others use it as a sociable outdoor activity where the competition is secondary to the time spent with friends. It's entirely your choice, and you can play social golf any day of the week, but you'll meet most of our female members on these two days of the week.
If you are competitive, we also have a range of 'mixed' (men & ladies) competitions and knockout events throughout the summer. We also pitch our skills against other clubs in a range of friendly, but well fought competitions.
We are a relaxed, lively and welcoming club and there is plenty of activity around the 19th hole. If you fancy trying golf, this is the club for you as we will offer full support to introduce you to this great game.
Please feel free to come and join us; beginners and experienced golfers are all welcome. Just call the club and we will be happy to show you all our facilities.
Our ladies section is currently led by Carys Baggs, who is our Lady Captain.
Mellor Golf Club actively support a culture that values women and girl’s involvement in every aspect of the sport, from participating to pursuing a career.
You can view our commitments here: Women-in-Golf-Charter-Commitments
Many of our ladies enjoy interclub competitions playing in:
Ladies also compete in many interclub matches in our region, including 'friendlies' and one specially organised for our business ladies, in the summer evenings.
If you are not yet ready to compete and need to gain your handicap index, many ladies are happy to help you. A mentor/buddy will be delighted to introduce you to both the golfing and social side of the club. Please contact us as we have a list of willing mentors/buddies ready to help!
Primarily ladies join to play golf, however there is so much more to Mellor Golf Club!
Social golfing events such as fun mixed competitions, away days and exchange days are held throughout the season. Each year the ladies have a weekend away where up to 36 ladies join the Lady Captain for a weekend of golf, pampering, eating and maybe a little drinking.
There is also a full programme of social events which range from quiz evenings to party nights and gourmet dinners.